Monday, July 6, 2009

More Albertsons double coupons!

There are three doublers that were in yesterday's Sunday paper! They are on page A9 of the Trib, page A5 in the Des News and page B8 (or C3) of the Herald, and A7 in the Spectrum. Also if you haven't used your doubles from the ad on Wednesday- they should let you use one set of the coupons from the ad and one set from the newspaper- that is definitely worth my time!

UPDATE: O.k. there weren't any from the ad this past Wednesday- I was looking at the wrong week- just getting back on track. BUT when they do have doubles in the ad- and then on Sunday- this is their policy- which is great!

Go here to PYP for double coupon matchups and ideas!

1 comment:

  1. were there doublers in last wednesday's ad? There were 10 days ago, but I just checked my current ad and there weren't any doublers... just other instore coupons (Bryers, Skippy and something else...)
